What is in this session?

Know your relationship dynamics.

* Know your partner's Psychology.
* Know how to fight the right way to build but not tear the Relationship.
* Know your strengths and weaknesses.
* Know how you fit in to each other’s lives.
* Know how to be emotionally intelligent.
* Know how to regulate your emotions.
* Know your feelings and label them.
* Know your ego and whom to love.
* Know how to fight.
* Know how to choose your partner.
* Know what your partner is bringing to the table.
* Know how to resolve conflicts.
* Know how to be yourself and allow your partner to be themselves.
* Know what parts of your partner's personality will change.
* Know what will stay consistently constant.
* Know why you have to allow others to be them self.
* Know what energizes your partner and what depletes their energy.
* Know when you are ready for marriage and commitment.
* Know why you feel others are idiots.
* Know how to preserve your individuality while strengthening your partnership.
* Know when to play and when not to sacrifice.
* Know your balance point and what throws you off balance.
* Know what is true intimacy. (in-to-me-you-see).
* Know your and your partners non-negotiable's and negotiable's

Saritha Nittala,
MBTI certified practitioner.

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